The Mt. Meru Coffee Project

Fair Trade Premium Coffee from Tanzania

Mt Meru Coffee ensures Fair Trade process for Tanzanian coffee farmers.

In 1999, a the Bishop of the Meru Diocese in Tanzania asked a visiting delegation from Milwaukee the simple question; “We grow coffee; you drink coffee; would you buy your coffee from us?” With an answer of “Yes”, the Mt. Meru Coffee Project was born in this developing country. It originated in the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA.

This non-profit Project is managed by volunteers and imports Fair-Trade Premium Tanzanian coffee from these small-scale producers. This helps the people of the Meru region to improve their standard of living and escape a cycle of poverty. Sustainable farming practices are encouraged to help make coffee farming sustainable on Mt Meru.

The Project provides small farmers with a fair price for their premium coffee. This fair-trade price provides an increase in farm income, allowing the farmers to educate their children, access healthcare, and support their families with dignity.

The Project imports, roasts, packages and distributes the coffee grown by over 1000 coffee farmers. An average of 8 to 12 tons of coffee per year - over 200 tons of coffee through 2024 has been imported. The Project has enabled farm families to have funds available to support local farm villages, markets, and merchants. This is improving the standard of living in the entire region

Purchasing and drinking Mt. Meru Premium Tanzanian Coffee is the single most important way in which individuals, congregations and businesses can support thousands of family coffee farmers in Tanzania.

Mt Meru Premium Coffee is roasted every week in Milwaukee and then ground, packaged, and shipped from our facility at Martin Luther Lutheran Church - 9235 West Bluemound Road, Milwaukee WI 53226

Purchase Mt. Meru Premium Coffee at our website or at your congregation, or at select retailers, or Contact Us at Phone: 414-438-0122