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Our Global Project             Our partners in need

The small, family farmers in the Mt. Meru region of Tanzania were insufficiently paid for their premium coffee beans, creating a cycle of poverty, poor health, lack of education and substandard quality of life. For the past 25 years, the Mt. Meru Coffee Project of the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been paying these farmers a fair trade price for their beans, importing and roasting, and selling the premium coffee through congregations and online customers.


Your Help Now

Your help is needed now in order to sustain this project into the future. Donations can be made in $1 increments with all proceeds going directly to the Mt. Meru Coffee Project. To donate, add the desired donation quantify and add to cart. This allows a fully customizable donation that fits to you.

Please make a donation to the Mt. Meru Coffee Project online or send a check to:

Mt. Meru Coffee Project at P.O. Box 313, Waukesha WI  53187

Thank you.

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