The Mt. Meru Coffee Store
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Mt. Meru Premium Coffee brews that special cup of coffee, regular or decaf, with the right acidity, hints of chocolate and surprisingly fruity undertones.Our decaf coffee is produced with the same select coffees used for our regular coffee, producing one of the very best decaf coffees available. Available in 12 oz. and 4 lbs. bags.
We are pleased to provide 4 of the most popular flavored coffees in both regular and decaf. These flavored coffees are produced with the same high quality select coffee we use in our regular and decaf coffee These make an especially great iced coffee for a summer time treat. Packaged in 10 oz. bags.
A box of 12 perfect cups of coffee
Mt Meru Premium Peaberry coffee grows when a single coffee bean grows within the coffee "cherry" fruit where two beans normally grow. This only happens in 5% of coffee beans grown. This rare coffee is richer and has less acidity than normal coffee. These coffee beans are sorted from normal beans and the coffee is available in whole bean or drip grind but not decaf. Packaged in 12 oz. bags.